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Background Screening:
Search Descriptions
Our search packages are custom-designed to meet the specific needs of different businesses and industry segments. This gives you a head-start on designing a package that meets your particular needs. We begin with a package that targets your industry and then add and subtract search elements until you are happy with the results. Often, clients can use an existing package without any alteration!
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Home Paternity TestDetermine's who the father is/
Full Sibling DNA TestDetermine's whether two (or more) individuals share both parents in common.
Half Sibling DNA TestDetermines whether two (or more) individuals share one parent in common.
Duo Grandparent DNA TestDetermine's Grandparentage for grandfather, grandmother and grandchild.
Single Grandparentage TestDetermine's Grandparentage for grandfather, grandmother and grandchild.
Aunt/Uncle DNA TestDetermine's and Uncle (or Aunt) and Nephew (or Niece) relationship.
1st Cousin DNA TestDetermine's whether two (or more) individuals are first cousins.
Twin Zygosity TestDetermine's whether twins (or triplets, etc) are identical of fraternal.
Personal Prenatal DNA Paternity TestingUsed to determine paternity of a child before the child is born. Includes one alleged father, one child (amniotic fluid), and biological mother.
Legal Prenatal DNA Paternity TestingUsed to determine paternity of a child before the child is born for LEGAL purposes. Includes one alleged father, one child (amniotic fluid), and biological mother.
Immigration DNA Paternity TestingVarify paternity to establish citizenship for VISA applications.
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